Backrooms The Anime (2022)
Directed by Elim
A comedy anime about three schoolgirls: Mio, Nanako, and Ren.
They find themselves in the Backrooms and must use their magic powers to escape.
Featured Voice Actors:
Ren: AgatesLink
Mio: RibzVA
Nanako: vibripple
Kaida: vally.exe
Teacher: Christina Roberts
The Director
Elim is a director, cinematographer, and VR filmmaker based in Australia. He previously attended film school and has created cinematic short films in video games since 2017.
The Good, The Bad, The Monkey was his first VRChat short film and also Metacosm Studio’s first production.
In September 2021, he first premiered a concept trailer for this film at the VRCon 2021 Film Festival. He then released the full 15-minute Western comedy in December 2021 on YouTube.
In May 2022, he released "What If Mirrors Were ILLEGAL In VRChat?" In July 2022, he released "Backrooms The Anime."